We just got through another winter storm here in New Hampshire last weekend. I guess it was a Nor’easter. I didn’t get nearly the amount of snow predicted, while my friend further downstate got 3 feet!
It’s been feeling cold and damp, and it reminded me that we are most definitely in Kapha Season. Remember, I live in the Northeastern USA, and where you live makes a difference in terms of Ayurveda seasons (just like regular seasons.)
When I wrote about Kapha Season back in January, I knew I was jumping the gun a bit. Usually, I wait until late February/early March to write about it.
This is going to be a super short post because what I want to do (if this topic interests you) is send you back to read the post from January.
Also, if you’re new to my page and you’re wondering, “What the heck is Ayurveda and Kapha, and what is she talking about?” please read my “Intro to Ayurveda.”
Those of you who have been with me for a while might notice that I have added an Ayurveda link at the top of my Home page. There you will be able to access all posts related to Ayurveda. They can also be found on the Home page.
I always worry a bit this time of year about family members and friends who have a lot of Kapha dosha in their constitution. Remember, we all have the three doshas influencing us, just to varying degrees.
If you’re unsure of your Ayurvedic constitution, click HERE to take a simple quiz.
I worry about them because if they’re experiencing an imbalance, it can manifest as depression. They often feel stuck in the mud because their predominant elements are earth and water.
Here in New England, we actually have a mud season in the spring. It’s not pretty.
Also, because the lungs are the seat of this dosha, they are prone to respiratory problems, especially during Kapha season.
And what is connected to the lungs in Ayurvedic medicine? Grief. So, we often will see Kapha-type individuals dealing with grief, manifesting infections in the lungs/respiratory tract.
Balanced Kaphas are so sweet and calm and loving that I always hate to see them slip into depression or lethargy or develop problems in the lungs.
So, please, if any of this resonates with you or you see a loved one struggling right now in this way, go back and re-read “Is It Kapha Season Already?”
I have very little Kapha in my Ayurvedic constitution, but I have a fair amount of Taurus in my astrological chart. Taurus is an earth sign, and so sometimes I feel like I can experience some Kapha-ness, if that makes any sense at all.
As much as I love winter here, love the snowstorms and deep long hibernating sleep, I have to admit that I’m feeling the stirrings of spring. Just a bit. Trying not to think of the g-word (garden) so much because it creates anxiety in this disorganized Vata-type.
Sending a special dose of Love to all the Kapha-types out there. You make our world a more kind and gentle place.
Much Love,
I have such wistful wishings when I read your posts... It's almost like reading about Narnia when I was a child. I do love the way your "paint a picture" of what's going on in your world... charming and sweet.
Thanks, Barbara! xo xo
Yes! I am feeling stuck in the mud, and there is plenty of it waiting beneath the snow.
Thank you so much for this, and I took the quiz again. This is helpful and I am continuing to learn.