We got our first dusting of snow yesterday. Right now, it’s raining.
The weather has been ping-ponging in the usual irregular Vata Season way. I love ping pong, but when it comes to the weather, it can be really challenging for our bodies (and our minds.)
Note: If you’re reading this and wondering “What the heck is she talking about?), visit my Ayurveda page for some basic information.
I’m mostly thinking of my fellow Vata-types as I ever-so-slightly feel the anxiety trying to creep in as the dreaded H season is upon us. Every year consumerism reaches a new level of insanity earlier and earlier.
The day after Halloween I was in the grocery store and saw dozens of shopping carts filled with unbought candy to make room for Christmas junk. Wait…isn’t Thanksgiving next?
Yes, and there are already Black Friday sales.
War can be raging (it is) and still there are never-ending advertisements and sales to tempt us with what really doesn’t matter.
Trust me, I’m not immune to this. I have to buy a new computer so, “Why not now?” I think.
This brings me to something I said to a friend today and her response was “That should be a meme.”
Vata-type people should not be allowed on the Internet!
That being said, I am frankly amazed at how much I’ve got a handle on holiday anxiety this year.
Thank you, Ayurveda. Knowing yourself is half the battle.
Last year, I wrote all about Vata and the holidays which I’m going to share with you here again. I hope it helps you navigate the next several weeks with ease.
If you need me, I’ll be in the woods. 🌲🌲🌲
Much Love,
Thank you for your heartfelt comments, your subscriptions (free or paid), or just for stopping by and reading or listening to The Quaking Poplar 🌳!
Delightful as always to hear you read your post. I often wonder if and when I will ever hit my stride my core self and balance all the things out. Maybe one day I will.... I sure hope so. Reading and hearing your medicine post help me ground and calm if even for a second. It's like heaven and a warm cup of tea.
Love you dearly earth sister!
Man, and I thought I had a good view here in northern Michigan.