Jul 5, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Yes I do think so ! Joy joy joy 😀

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

I felt the Joy and the photos are outstanding. Then the puppy 🤩. Peace be to you 💕

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Aww, I'm glad, Eleanor! It's not always easy but so important, don't you think? xoxo

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Hi Barbara, I'm glad I found this post today. I really did feel the joy you sent! It inspired me to spend a little time in my garden even though it was a bit of a gloomy day. Everything seems easier to deal with when I've spent time in my green space. So many little shoots starting to burst through. It gives me something to look forward to. Hope you are well x

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Hi Kirsty! I'm glad you found it. :) I was feeling a lot of Joy today, too, in spite of -40 windchill and heavy winds. Must be something in the air today. All is well here. Loving winter and hoping it lasts a while. Weird temp fluctuations. Enjoy your green space. 💚

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair

I'm just got around to listening to this. I love you're recording your writings and to hear you read them brings me joy. I so thrilled for your new bed and sheets and the inspiration and joy you received and shared with us. You inspire me!

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Thanks, Robin! I had to re-record it because it was all glitchy, as reported by a couple of friends. I miss you and so does The Bear Den! Feel better, my friend. xoxo

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I used to get so frustrated and angry when I saw chemtrails, I was always calling the local airport demanding to know who was flying overhead spraying our air. Finally I realized all I was doing was making myself sick. So I changed it. Every time I saw/see a plane spraying, I visualized angels dropping clouds of consciousness onto the earth. And I say it out loud, "thank you angel, for spraying us into awakening with your trails of love and awareness." It soothes my soul to have a new story. Thank you for sharing from your tiny house full of joy!

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Hi Cat, I think there are many of us like you. We care so deeply about the planet and are frustrated and angry. I've had to let go of the anger, but I won't stop trying to inform people what's happening. Don't you dream of it all just stopping one day and seeing real weather again?? Thanks for reading! xo Barbara

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Back in the 80's, we were working on a ceremony for the harmonic convergence. And the Hopi told us that there would be a time in our future where the earth was "calving", or splitting in two realities. In one reality, the people would take the earth and themselves down into a death spiral. In the other, the earth was ascending and the people with her. They told us that all of our choices from that day forward would determine which reality we would end up in. So while I find myself in deep states of grief and despair at times, I also know that I am responsible for changing the mythology. The stories we tell can either hook us into the downward spiral or hook us into the elevation spiral. I need stories that inspire and elevate me, as it is so easy to just let the weight of the evil being done pull me into the vortex. In my visions, which I work on regularly, I see myself able to drink water from the Mississippi river (I live near its's source), I see lush landscapes of wilderness, people living in magical homes, sharing life in ways that feed our souls. It is the only thing that keeps me from slitting my wrists some days, these visions that I feed. Covid did me a great favor by removing everyone who was not on an upward spiral, and my new tribe is tentatively co-creating a world where we can breathe and relax and be true partners with Earth and all life upon her.

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YESSSSS! I'm going to share this comment with my dear friend. She will love it. I, too, dream of drinking from a river again. I'm blessed to get water from a spring just down the road. And yes to removing those who are not on an upward spiral. Hard when some of them are family. :( Thanks for the beautiful comment, Cat! 💚

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This is how we are finding each other, Substack has done more for me to show me the tribes that are working hard at imagining a new world. The hardest part is, for me, to give equal time to working HARD at visualizing my new reality as I give to reading about all that is going wrong. I wrote a newsletter a couple years ago (which is no longer on my website as I had to completely build a new one) that talked about what the future could look like. I found images of beautiful landscapes, communities that had magical, hobbit-like houses that were harmonious with the surrounding land, magical free energy traveling devices, people praying at the waters, etc. Because as much as we all want to find ourselves in this new reality, it is often so hard to have a good vision of what it looks like. We are fed ugly day in and day out, or we are fed images of opulance that is completely at odds with a healthy planet. So I hope more and more of my new tribe will include images and stories of what is possible, that our imagination can get hooked into a new, or maybe it is an old, way of living that heals our trauma and brings us together. I'm happy to have found you as a new storyteller to add another point of light to the picture of the whole. Your reverence for our Mother is clear in your writing, and we need so much to turn our attention back to that feeling of awe. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!!

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Cat, yes! I am loving being on Substack - it seems to have unleashed a torrent of writing ideas for me - and I'm slowly finding like-minded Nature-lovers (like you) here, as well. Omg, yes about the "uglification" that man has inflicted on our beautiful planet. I have a moon and rising in Taurus, so OUCH to the ugliness! And, I know what you mean - trying to stay informed about what's going on out there vs. imagining what can (and will!) be. Much love to you, Nature soul sister! xoo

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Barbara, I enjoyed reading this, and I did feel the joy you sent. It’s just what I needed. ♥️✌🏻

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Thanks for reading, Heather! And I'm glad you felt the burst of Joy. :) xo Barbara

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Barbara, you deserve all that joy and more! Love you sis!

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Thank you, luv! So do you. I hope you felt some Joy coming your way when you read my words. xoxo

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Awwwwwweeee 🥰💝 it was perfect!!!!!!! Xoxo

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Loved your message! Enjoy your Pollyanna Day......we all need them now and again.

Love and blessings,


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Thank you, Claudia! Isn't that the truth? Love, B xo

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It's important to turn off the outer chatter and reinforce the connection that matters, the authentic connection with our Mother.

I love your sheets! Flannel sheets are the best.

I have good news... the chickadees hang out all year-round. They are so joyful.

Say "hi" to the pup for me.


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Oh, MJ!! I wonder if that was a Chickadee!!! Thank you for the hope. I love them so much. Yes, to turning off the chatter. I sleep on flannel sheets all year round. :) xoxo B

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Ooooooooohhhhh... this is simply dreamy. Thank you 💝❤💞💕 xoxoxo

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I kind of wanted to dedicate it to you... :) xoxo

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feeling the joy ♥️

to live in fear or doom and gloom is a lack of faith in that joy, very wise to switch off substack and feed joy and puppies instead🐶


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Yes, wise words, Jo! 🐶 xoxo!

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deletedDec 5, 2022Liked by Barbara Sinclair
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Thank you for reading/listening, J.R.! I love that you said bright green and not just green (with envy). That made me smile. Bright green is the color of the heart chakra. I would be envious, too, if I didn't live here. It's been two years and I still pinch myself every morning when I wake up and see the sun rising over those mountains and walk out my back door into the woods. It was a truly magical experience finding this Little House. Just living here is healing in and of itself. I'm going to write about it soon. Take care. Barbara

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