Jul 2Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Lovely. I like that Wind Whistle!!! It's funny, I grew up in Texas, on the panhandle when I was kindergarten to seventh grade, and we had tornadoes, too; then later in Kansas for six years, we had a few there as well... While I can't say I wasn't at times a bit frightened by the ones that came close, I was also EXHILIARATED!! I remember in Kansas, going out on the lawn and "experiencing" the wind and rain... I would have gotten on the roof, but Mom said NO. I wasn't a kid, I was in my 20's!! Funny how we are born in very similar astrological cribs, at least in the overview, but are very different in many ways... And we both LOVE Nature with Much Passion.... Thank you, you know I love your posts. xo xo xo

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Well, I have both a weird fascination with them and a bit of old fear! :) Texas and Kansas! Those are Dorothy states!! XO

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Jul 2Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Fear is quite understandable!! I'm not sure I'd call Texas a "Dorothy State," LOL--- Thinking of all those folks I used to know... even the women ("wimmin") are tough! Ha. I LOVED growing up in Texas, except for the extremely hot summers, and in San Antonio, where I finished growing up, really really HUMID AND HOT. But it was great to grow up there... I often think I may return someday, sooner maybe than later... Who knows at this point? Anyway, cheers, m'dear.

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I guess you're lucky you weren't there during the Dust Bowl days, Jaan. XO

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Jul 2Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Too true! XO

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I love your posts about the elements and nature. Learned a lovely new word today; psithurism! How wonderful! And so phonetically apt when said quickly or slowly depending on a raging wind or a gentle breeze.

I love the wind here as it cools us down but my animals go a little crazy.

How sad that the early pioneers, whilst clearing the land of trees for planting, unwittingly contributed to the dust bowls.

Same here with ridiculous construction of apartments and houses with no consideration given to the trees and native shrubbery being bulldozed on a huge scale which hold the soil in place.

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Thank you, Ingrid! And yes, the soil is SO important - beyond just for farming.

May a cool and gentle breeze blow your way today! XOXO

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Jul 2Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Wind is one of my favorites. I enjoy when It blows hard for ME but NOT the animals. When it blows through the leaves... it seems to me it's grooming the earth. Removing the old skins to let the new grow. Like it's brushing the trees. Xoxoxo!!!!!!

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I love that analogy, Jamie! Thank you, luv! XOXO

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Jul 1Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Barbara, I wanted to thank you for commiserating with me over my sciatic condition. That was very kind of you and thank you for you advice and recommendations. I'm still suffering, but have an appt. on Wednesday with the Pain and Spine Clinic at my regular medical facility to give me their assessment. I was lucky, however, to get an appt for tomorrow with an Acupuncturist, so I'll get her input as well. I'll keep you posted. Best to you.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Best wishes!

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Rocket, I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering. Let's talk when I return from my travels... I have some thoughts about the origins of sciatic pain and how to heal it. Big hugs in the meantime 🤗

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Fantastic and good luck! XOXO

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Jul 1Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Hi Barbara,

Your nature stories really inspire me, and no less this one about the wind. It had a kind of ominous feel to it with you relating your early life experiences of a tornado, and the Dust Bowl video reminded me of how wind can be such a powerful and destructive force, and that an event like that could repeat itself in these times as well.

The bigger thing for me that struck me by your piece, based on my religious background, is how the wind, in general, is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because they both present similarly in certain situations. The wind is invisible, and like the Holy Spirit, we never know from whence it came, or where it’s going. It just blows where it pleases. As the scriptures tell us the Holy Spirit appeared on Pentecost in the form of a rushing, violent wind from heaven which filled the whole house bestowing on those present at that time different gifts like power, love, and a sound mind, and strength and fortitude to confront our challenges.

So also do the calm, gentle breezes we are graced with here and there, symbolize the Holy Spirit in the comfort and consolation we may receive in our times of need or loss. Then there’s the gifts of enlightenment, guidance, and discernment that we may be blessed with. Those always come in handy. Lol. Anyway, you get my drift here. You just never know, Barbara, how many different ways your writing speaks to people. In fact, your post inspired a meditation on this whole issue because I was prompted to listen to a Holy Spirit song that I have always loved.

Here's a link to listen to it. It’s a mantra and there are 2 very short verses that are sung over the repeated mantra. Here they are in case anyone is interested.


Holy sacred Spirit, breathe Your breath on us.

Holy sacred Spirit, breathe Your life in us.

Verse 1

Create a new heart in me, oh God,

Enflame my heart with Your love, Your Spirit of love.

Verse 2

Send forth Your Spirit and renew the earth,

The longing earth, the waiting earth, the fragile earth.

© Monica Brown 1991.


P.S. I loved the poem/song by Lucinda Williams that you included. Music is so powerful.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Oh, Rocket, thank you for this! That is such a beautiful share. I was raised in the Catholic faith but left it long ago. There are still some remnants that have stayed with me. I was always curious about the Holy Spirit. Drawn to Mother Mary and some of the saints. The music, the incense, the peacefulness of being in a church. Makes so much sense to me now. I am just so grateful for the beautiful, thoughtful comments that all of you leave for me (and other readers) here. It just enriches my posts so much. XOXO

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Thank you for sharing.

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I loved this. I always learn from you, and just discovered we have yet another thing in common as Lucinda is one of my favorites too!

Thank you for reorienting us back to Nature, its elements and our complete entwinement with them. The world becomes quite magical and rich, when we start with that recognition. Beautiful as always, Barbara. Lovely, you.❤️

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Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you, Kathleen, for reading and for your comment. I so appreciate you!

Lucinda! IDK if you watched the interview with her that I linked where I learned that she'd had a stroke. I was lucky to see her when I was living in NYC and she came to play at one of the small standing-only venues in the East Village. I was literally leaning on the stage. I love her music so much and the song I shared is one of my favorites! This song slays me every time I hear it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWJCu3d6EX0. XOXO B

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Sweet Old World... yes, that'll slay you alright. Goes in like butter! . And no, I had not seen that interview. Is her singing career over? Too sad if so.

Right up there with Mark and Emmylou together. (All the Road Running is one of my favorites!)


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OMG!! I love that song so much! Play it over and over. Thx for the live video!! 🎶🩷

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Beautiful, Barbara. The wind has been stirring my thoughts about it lately, too. As usual, we're on the same wavelength! I just took a picture here in Athens yesterday of the Temple of the Winds!

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Temple of the Winds!! Substacker synchronicity!! Thx for reading, Mary! Say hello to Greece for me. I've never been... XOXO

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Thank you for sharing.

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Serendipitously, my partner and I were sitting out at our new property last weekend marvelling at the music the huge maples were making in the wind. Their movements were a dance. Magical really.

Thanks for this beautiful piece — the element of wind is one with which I also sometimes struggle to find balance, depending on its partnership with cold (challenging) or wet (desirable if salty?).

Also sharing your fascination with fierce wind storms and movies about them, though not your experience with them (honestly envious of your brushes with tornadoes).

Recent thoughts include wondering about our choice of astrological chart elements when we incarnate and our soul’s intention to use those elements to have particular experiences as part of our evolutionary process — such as finding equanimity along our North Node / South Node axis, between our Sun sign and its opposite or even between our natal Moon phase and its counterpart (like the relationship between the Full and New lunar cycles).

Your piece makes me wonder if, similar to our choice of astrology, our soul partners with our own body with the intention of using its particular physical characteristics (Ayurvedic Dosha for instance) to beget specific experiences that become woven into the complex tapestry of ‘who we are’, ultimately allowing us to find greater balance within ourselves and with the elements of our planet.

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What a fantastic comment, Sasha! Thank you!! I also think about these things. In Ayurveda I am so predominantly Vata - air/ether, with a bit of Pitta fire and barely any Kapha earth. And yet in Astrology, I have very little air in my chart. My sun is in Sag and my moon and rising both in Taurus. My NN is in Capricorn and my SN in Cancer. Learning that blew my mind as it relates to my story of family.

I just loved your last paragraph. Such an interesting thought. It makes perfect sense to me.

I laughed when I read "honestly envious of your brushes with tornadoes" because I totally get it! You could probably intuit that by my comment about standing on the porch drinking in the pea soup green sky and change in temperature. I will never forget that moment. I love storms equally as much as I fear them. They fascinate me.

Thanks, again, Sasha. I so appreciate the thoughtful comments you leave here! 🌪️🌪️XO

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