What I find most captivating about your posts is that with a childlike innocence, you ARE aware, you ARE astonished, and you DO tell the world about it in such a way that all I want to do is drop everything and become a forager and witchy healer. And you know, if I’m fortunate, that is precisely what I’ll end up doing with my life.

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😭😭😭 This was me this morning after reading your comment. Thank you, dear Tonika. The woods and fairies and animals are waiting to welcome you with open arms. You will be right at home. Clara and Chip say hi! You are such a dear heart. 🕊️🐿️🌲🌲🌲💚

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It’ll be the world to be amongst friends. Please say hi back. 🤗 💚 🌳

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My wife and I just started taking some bach elm essence - but didn't know about the poplar kidney nervous energy! I also recently grew some mushrooms on poplar, since they have lots of sugar in the wood. Thanks for your stewardship Barbara.

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Thanks for reading, Roman! And for your comment. I didn't know about Poplar being a good essence for kidney nervous energy, but when I read that, it made perfect sense! I am STILL searching for a mature tree. Maybe when their leaves start turning yellow/gold they'll be easier to spot. I always think I've found one but it turns out to be a Birch. So many Birch trees. I imagine you have most of the same trees there.

I have a special love for the American Elm tree. Growing up in Detroit - they lined our streets and formed a tunnel of shade. We played in the street a lot in those days, so it was shady iin the summer. Until Dutch Elm Disease decimated them.🌳 😭 Do you have them where you live? Last summer I found some saplings growing down the road and so I've been searching for an American Elm tree along with a Quaking Poplar!

Have you ever made your own tree/flower essence? It's so simple. XO

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There's so much wonderful information in this post - thank you for sharing your world and insights with your readers, Barbara. Always a timely reminder that Nature is the real story and we have so much to learn. Deep listening, a desire to know what they know, to live with that sane humility that can only reorient us in the right direction.

I think there was a time on this planet - long ago now - maybe just a dream away - where living interwoven with the plants and animals was the norm. Inevitably we will find ourselves with there again, Nature, our guide.

More than the wonderful information shared, your posts are like gentle markers put down, truly showing the way forward. Whatever insanity is going out on there - purging and soon leaving (I trust) - you are already living a deeper reality; what's never left and will be once again elevated in its rightful place.

I have no doubt you are doing EXACTLY what you need to be doing.

So much appreciation for you, immersed in Nature, immersed in sanity, pointing the way. 🌲🌲🌲

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Well now, this made me cry, Kathleen. Thank you, dear one. You have such a gift for getting to the heart of what some of us on this platform write. I'm deeply grateful when people take the time to read what I've written, and extra grateful for beautiful comments like this one. I'm going for a walk now! XOXO

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Exactly what she said, beautifully.

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You and Mary Oliver are doing essential work, Barbara! Thank you for this walk in the woods with you, and for the wisdom shared.

I can hardly believe the synchronicity of this: "Sweetfern Essential Oil...is used to create a linking bridge between sky and earth. It helps build connections between that which needs to soar and be free and that which needs to stay grounded and stable." I know this is not a new concept, but I keep getting in my meditations lately that our role as human souls is exactly that: bridging sky and earth. I'm so curious about the oil; I might order some to see its effects. Have you ever tried it?

And I just have to tell you that my dear friend Jen in WA, the permaculturist, is also a "threshold singer." When you described singing to the clear-cut forest, my eyes filled, remembering how Jen grieved a clear cutting right next to her land. My guess is that she sang, too.

Gosh I loved reading this. Thank you, friend. xox

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Thank you, dear Mary. For reading, and for leaving this beautiful comment. I sense a kindred spirit in your friend, Jen! And, of course, in you, as well.

TBH I rarely use essential oils any more and I have not tried this one. I just loved what she wrote in the description. I might make a flower/tree essence from both Sweetfern and Quaking Poplar on our next sunny day. It seems like something they would like me to do. It's gentle and only requires a leaf or two. XOXO

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That stood out for me too, Mary. The bridge between ground and sky, bit.

It really is a magical planet and Barbara has the gift of conveying that so naturally.

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Thank you, Kathleen. I loved that line, as well! XOXO

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This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom. I recently read that the morning dew on plants is a flower essence. I imagine sitting with the sweet fern and poplar saplings is so deeply healing. Thank you for doing the timeless work of being in relationship with nature and translating those gentle ways to the rest of us.

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Thank you for reading, my dear Naturalist friend! And for always making me feel like my wandering and reporting on it is actually making a difference. So much love to you., Amanda. XOXO

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👍 Exactly that.

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