Aug 31Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Beautifully written, Barbara!

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Thanks, Tereza!

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A very beautiful, evocative piece. Thank you Barbara.

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Thank you, dear Sasha! 💦💦 XO

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My dear Barbara! Your family reunion story took me on such a lovely ride! You and your IG friend look so dang radiant, I just stared at that energy for awhile! Thank you for that!

I just left this really long comment on Tereza’s post:


I had read yours and her stack back to back and I was going to cut and paste my comment but I found that it went in a different direction there away from the point of your post so just linking it here now. All I wanted to add about Bobby is that he does bring out the apocalyptomist in us. I can’t fully subscribe to his stance, but if he manages to get peso por healthy and aware of the dangers of Big Pharma and Big Food, they’re the boulders we can stand on in the Bog if Eternal Stench (movie reference).

Btw, I couldn’t open that Big Pharma link.

Love to you and looking forward to more nature walk adventures. Staring at your pond water now. :)

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Thx, Tonika! And I fixed that link. TY for letting me know. I could add so much to the health convo they have (in the interview) but I think it's a start that people are waking up to the food system bs. Ditto Big Pharma. Lots of people truly do not know what's making them sick. And we know it's not just the food.

It truly is beyond my comfort zone generally to "go there" with anything political or other hot topics. I ventured there in 2020 and got burned pretty bad. I'm way too sensitive for internet battling. But, I did go there because I am so passionate about health and the health of our planet and I feel that Bobby has already proved himself in both of those areas. I respect anyone who has a red line that they won't cross. We're all entitled to our opinions.

So much love to you, Tonika. #PondLove 💦💦 XO

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I’m with you on internet battles! Would much more prefer tête-à-tête. And I respect people’s red lines too. Tereza’s, especially, since it comes so well researched.

#PondLove right back atcha. Now, there goes the perfect hashtag.

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Thank you, Barbara. Glad to hear on family gathering, meet-up with your online buddy and your 'Bobby' thoughts. Your posts are such a pleasure to read, friend.

Also just listened to Tereza's post on why she can not vote for RFK and that I appreciate both equally is a happy realization.

If there is any single theme emerging in these times of so much undoing, shredding, inversion and insanity, that we can all agree on, (I hope!) is the right and even necessity for individuals to make up their own minds and do what they think is best.

No one size fits all. Thank you for being you and sharing your thoughts and feelings with such grace and honesty.

So welcome.


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Aug 31Liked by Barbara Sinclair

I hope that you will never feel 'ire' from me, Barbara. I love the heartfelt responses to Bobby from you, Mary, Tonika, Kathleen and others. For me, politics is about the policies we want. We're in full agreement on what we long to see with food, pharma, water, soil.

A dozen years ago I was interviewing Nicolette Hahn Niman, author of Righteous Porkchop. She's the vegetarian lawyer who battled against factory farms under Bobby, who wrote the forward to her book. Through it, she ended up marrying the owner of Niman Ranch, and still doesn't eat meat. She's been an example I use of coming together over principles, not how they're applied.

I have another book where Bobby wrote the forward in his role with Riverkeepers. I really admire the work that he's done and his integrity. Before I had a Substack, I did two videos on The Real Anthony Fauci, which I called one of the greatest works of meta-journalism--a term I had to invent for it because mere journalism didn't suffice for something that encapsulated so much information and integrated it. Here are those: Infodemic: RFK & the RAF https://youtu.be/ifRlBglQvXA and Conspiracy Theorist is the New Heretic https://youtu.be/UJI1X7l48vM.

In both, I used a picture with the cover to get around the censors but I believed so strongly in it that I was willing to risk getting shut down. I also had a fight with my local bookstore over their refusal to carry it, which I talk about in another episode.

So I'm not questioning whether Bobby is a good person. The role of President, however, has more power over the military and foreign policy than any other individual. I do feel that we have a personal responsibility for the actions that are done in our name with our money. So my question is no longer about him but whether I can be a moral person under him as President.

I'm only responsible for my own actions but I take a long definition of that, down to the seventh generation of what my money or words make happen after they leave my mouth or my hands. That's why I see foreign policy as a moral question.

Thanks for your gracious comments here.

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Oh, I don't dispute the importance of foreign policy. I guess we can only speculate about what Bobby Kennedy would do in a governmental role as president, advisor, or whatever he might be in regards to Israel/Palestine. I don't have a crystal ball. He is someone who is not afraid to change his views on big issues (the border for example.)

And no, Tereza, I don't feel ire from you. :)

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Yes, Kathleen! We can all have our own opinions. I knew that even mentioning Bobby would likely draw some ire. Something in me (The Voice) made me do it simply to honor all the good I feel he has done and will hopefully continue to do. I understand that people have a red line on certain issues and that is their right. I could say so much more but I'll leave it at that.

Much love to you, my friend, and thank you for always taking the time to leave such heartfelt and thoughtful comments. XOXO

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Aug 31Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Welcome back, Barbara. I missed you. Thank you so much for this touching post about your travels and your time at the Lake with your family. I loved the attitude that you adopted, "It's not my job..." I finally reached that conclusion too. Thanks also for your truthful perspective on Bobby. I needed to read that. Growing up in Massachusetts in the 50s and 60s, I was captivated by the Kennedy clan. And I was especially touched by the story and photo of you and your soul sister, Jamie Lynn. I loved that she obviously was much younger than you. It said a lot about the "soul" part in soul sister. I know what that feels like too. Did you ever read "Anam Cara" by John O'Donohue? Thanks again for this wonderful post.

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"Anam Cara" is one of my favorite books! I'm pretty sure I've quoted it in a post or two. Or three! Thanks for reading, Rocket, and I appreciate your comment. XOXO

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Barbara, you and I are birds of a feather. Those words from White Eagle are so light- and truth-filled, and they resonate deeply with me as I'm writing my next piece. Thank you for the shout-out, and for sharing your honest feelings about Bobby with grace.

And I loved the glimpse of YOUR family reunion! I'm glad you survived. The canola oil bit was classic 😂

Big love to you... xox

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Thanks, Mary. I love that quote too. Unlike your family reunion, there was a “no politics” edict at ours. I did wear my Bobby/Nicole tee shirt one day on the boat (first time I’ve EVER donned a political tee!) No one batted an eyelash… 😂 Lol to the canola oil. Funny not funny. 🩷

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Aug 30Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Lovely! Beautiful places and words. I so agree. And when I saw the canola oil? Cringe. But at one time I didn't know any better. These last 4 years have awakened me like nothing else could, in all facets of my life. Our health is the first thing to take care of, then we can have clear heads to get to the rest of the things...Here is to the water and the snobs who drink it. Cheers!♥♥

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Thx, Sadie Jay! Yes to all you wrote and Cheers!! 💦💦 XO

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Aug 30Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Oh, what I beautiful post!!!! The amount of joy I hold in my heart knowing we are truly bonded is a treasure I'll carry always!! You're beautiful inside and out. I enjoyed ALL of this post😉 The only thing that would have made this better would be less muggy and darker outside while reading it 🤭 come on Autumn 🍂 and Hear Hear to making America and the globe healthy again 🥂💗 xo!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

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Well, your sparkling beautiful face just made the post better! I love you so much, Jamie Lynn! XOXOXO

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I love YOU so much💗

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There's so much love in the photo of you two; it made me so happy ❤️

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Aug 31Liked by Barbara Sinclair

Thank you!!! I was on cloud nine for days after us meeting in person. Xo

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Your words are like a cool breeze. It’s so refreshing to read your thoughts and have a glimpse of your return to the lake. And thank you for sharing your views with love. You’ve got such lightness to your wisdom. 🌱💖

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Thank you, my friend! XOXO

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