Thanks Barbara

On pity : it is not beneficial for the other, nor will it help you.

1. The pity you feel is the effect of recognizing similar patterns in yourself.

2. The pity creates waves of energy that get wrapped around the person in question (and around yourself)

Better is to step back

Put a violet light around yourself, then put a violet light around the other.

And then : disconnect !

In that way you invite yourself and the other onto a path of healing. Through insight. Violet light represents the unmovable witness, your agna chakra. Krishna (Christ) awareness.

Thanks for the song !

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Hi Leo! Thanks for reading and for your insights. Yes it was such a good lesson to be mindful of. I totally agree about how it can become entangled with our own energy and strong boundaries are so necessary.

I'm not sure I agree 100% with #1. I think a lot of empaths who don't yet know how to keep strong boundaries can fall prey to pitying someone because of how deeply they feel the energy of others and have a tendency to want to make everything better. Yes, some may have that because they themselves consciously or unconsciously want to be pitied at some level. It's the whole mirror concept, right? Which I don't think is always the case. Often, certainly, but not always.

And of course it's good to remember that it's not our job or our place to interfere with another person's energy, no matter how much help we feel they need, unless they ask us for help. That was always rule #1 when I studied energy medicine.

Glad you liked the song. :)

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Beautiful, my friend. And as a "fellow" Sag, I do relate to much of this.

I was struck by what you said about pity... I will ponder that. I suspect that self-pity is the other side of that, and I know it's pretty toxic! Thank you for this, I love your posts, they soften my rowdy dog self and calm me... xo xo

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Thanks for reading, Jaan. I think that pity is a little disabling, in a way. Rather than just having compassion and healthy boundaries with someone. Maybe hope for them, rather than pity. if that makes any sense at all. xoxo

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Oh, yes, it makes perfect sense. It made me stop and think, and I tend to agree, at least at this moment! I like to stop and think about something new or differently expressed, so... Yes. ^_^

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Excellent, Barbara.

Trauma is wired within us. Moving it is so important. Thanks for sharing your process.

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Thanks, MJ. Writing this helped me remember just how important it is. It's easy to get lazy about about putting attention where it's needed. xoxo

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Thank you for sharing Barbara. I feel better after listening to your call voice. It was only recently I realised how much I held on to past trauma. I think I had victim mentality for a long time. A few things happened that ment I had to address my mental state. I know I'm lucky enough to have been given some time to start the healing process. I still have a way to go but I can feel an inner calm I have never known! I feel so grateful. I am learning so much from your posts that will help me on my healing journey. Thanks again x

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Oh, Kirsty, thank you for sharing! I think we're all on a healing journey. Life is hard (and wonderful, too.) I worry about oversharing such personal stories about myself but when that Voice nudges me, I figure there's a reason. I guess your comment is proof of that, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. xoxo B

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Thank you Barbara, this wasn't the sort of teaching I was expecting when I came on to substack, but it's definitely the teaching I need to hear.

I am ready and strong enough now to face the sorrow that I have hidden away in my body, I know that I need to feel it and it will hurt, which is why I am distracting myself by writing lots of posts instead!

I regularly do yoga and pranayama and perhaps that is why the pain hasn't manifested physically in my body. But in any case, my heart and soul want to put it down now.

🙏🏽 with lots of love,


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I feel like my posts are all over the place, lol, but that's why my short description says something like "I write whatever's on my mind."

Thank you for reading, Jo, and a huge thank you for sharing! We are all works in progress and I think that awareness is half the battle, don't you?

Much Love,


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🙏🏽 perhaps my spirit resonates with all over the place!

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HAHAHA mine definitely does!

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Thank you Barbara! We are cut out of the same “energy healing” mold. I needed to hear that reminder from Sandra Ingerman about pity, to share with others . We do often forget that people are on their own paths, experiencing what they came here to experience. We can have compassion and love for that alone, but pity assumes we (our ego) knows better. 🙏

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Yes, Josie, I feel that connection with you, for sure! And the pity lesson was a big one for me, too. It was one of those lightbulb moments. Takes firm boundaries, doesn't it? xo B

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The Ho’oponopono mantra and pranayama breathing were very helpful to me during 2020. Every Friday I would tune into an Instagram livestream with Joseph Arthur (musician) where he would start with breathing and then chanting or singing the mantra followed by new music he was writing. It calmed me and gave me a sense of connection to something much larger than myself. I could feel that again while reading this. ♥️

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Oh, Heather, that's amazing! Yes, every now and then it's pops into my head and I know it's for a reason. xoxo B

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Sep 12, 2023
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Hello, fellow Barbara! :) Thank you so much for your kind insightful words. I'm very grateful to have you here! 🌳💗

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Feb 14, 2023
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Thx, Izabela. Much Love to you! xo B

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Feb 9, 2023
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You're welcome, J.R. Thank you for reading! Isn't that such a good song?

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Feb 9, 2023
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Listening to it right now!!

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