I enjoyed reading this so much! Just goes to show how much we may miss while constantly looking at our phones, scrolling through social media, working etc.

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Thank you, Leanna! Isn't that the truth? I need to remind myself every day so that a tree doesn't have to fall to remind me. :) Going outside now with a cup of tea! 💚

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Barbara, that little coyote just melted me! I love that she has been visiting you and bringing delight during your involuntary tech vacation -- what a beautiful benefit to stepping away. Ted Andrews's observation about the coyote, that she "stimulates and renews innocence, and it reawakens a childlike wisdom in response to the world" seems to describe perfectly this whole essay. I felt as though I was seeing the world anew again, through the eyes of a wise, curious being. Thank you for allowing us to look through your window, literally and metaphorically!

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Seriously, I so love these heartfelt comments from fellow writers. Thank you, Mary. That was just beautiful. 💚💚💚

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What a sweet little soul to share time with! And hooray for forced time out (and the magic it allows you to find) xx

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Yes and Yes! xoxo

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The little trot the coyote pup does is so adorable1! She is very fox-like; she looks very similar to the foxes I feed at night in front of my house, but chunkier!

I love the Hopi saying too; yes we are the ones we've been waiting for, the rainbow warriors.

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Hi Ingrid! Yes! The lil trot! I caught that, too. :) My landlords have two little dogs that look like foxes and at first I thought it was one of them. They are fearless and I'll hear them barking in the woods late at night. They go home when they feel like it. :)

I love that saying, too. This is our chance to love her up. 🌎🌈💚

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

You are back! Yea! But on the other hand it's great you got to unentangle yourself from the world-wide web for even a few weeks. And if you were to do a "self-imposed exile" on occasion, just let us know and we would be fine with it. Because I get the need for a retreat from the combative forces of the world. If for no other reason than getting your creative juices a jumpstart, it is so important. Solitude to just stare out the window sounds heavenly, woman in pink! And to see a fox or coyote cub? (yup it almost looks like a fox, doesn't it?).

When I hear the sound of a thousand (at least) coyotes start yipping, it tells me they brought down lunch for the group. kind of scarey when you think "what if it's someone's pet cat or dog?" It's the way of life, kill or be killed, but still........................

Great post --i plan on taking that test. Have not sent that book yet, but will soon----i have felt the need to be still as well--and found some other stuff i want to include so .................hang in there dear Barbara, it sounds like you are on a learning curve AS I FEEL MYSELF TO BE . I think it's the best thing to observe these phases in a still and quiet mode to get the full interpretation of whatever is being taught one. Now I plan on sending this short note and then.........reread your post again, cause something affected me (in a goodway) and I think it's part of my own learning phase. Later, friend...........

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Hi Jeanne! Yes to quiet time for observation and introspection. It's so necessary. And the energies right now are 😳 so it's needed even more.

That's where my mind usually goes too when the Coyotes are howling. They do it for various reasons but that is definitely one of them. :(

Thanks for reading/listening, Jeanne! Hope you have a beautiful day! xoxo

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This is so beautiful! May we be warriors of the rainbow. 💙

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Oh, you are, and you are the Mama Bear of the young warriors, Amanda. 🌈💗 xoxo

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Oh, thank you! 🥲 I’m so glad our paths have crossed and we can giggle over the antics of creatures together from time to time.

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Me, tooo! Thanks to Lynnette! xoxox

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

All my life I have seen " faces" in everything and everywhere. It's comical at this point. I see the coolest turtle face in one of those rocks near the end of your video. The sound is heavenly. The coyote pup makes my heart jump.. the cuteness is overwhelming to me. I want to cry. Also.... the sun is setting earlier and earlier and I think of you every evening. I'm glad you're well sister 💕xo

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Me tooooo, Jamie! I will re-watch the video. There are so many faces in the rocks there. I know...that pup is still in my heart. And, lolol I've been thinking about you, too, with the earlier setting sun YAY. And, of course, every morning when I make my bed and place Nomad on the Dragonfly pillow! Love you! 💗💗💗

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair

I actually always have you in my morning prayers toooo🥰🤭🤭 I LOVE you too!!!!

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Awwww, thank you, Luv!!! xoxoxoxox

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deletedAug 23, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair
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It's really hard mentally when our physical body goes through a challenge like that. Here's hoping you'll be with the Lake sooner than later!

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deletedAug 22, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair
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You're welcome, J.R. Thanks for reading. Hope you're feeling better! xo

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deletedAug 23, 2023Liked by Barbara Sinclair
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Ouch! Hang in there, J.R. xo

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